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"Do you have questions about America's future in regard to the "End Times". Read this book!!!!! It will open your understanding in regard to what is in store for our nation and the world in these end times."

Jim (Louisville, KY)

"This book is a must read for anyone who wants to know the truth.I was so caught up in the book that I finished it in two days then I read it again.True history and the future will bear out the truth in this book.Please read it and be informed.If only France or Russia had known what was in store for them.But we do have that luxury.We can know the truth so lets get informed and shake off that red fog that has covered America."

Larry (Fort Worth, Texas)

"Mr. Griffey,
I read the first book "World War 3 in Prophecy" in about three days and could not put it down. You go into amazing prophetic detail and your writing had a tremendous impact on me (please see my note below). I use it as a study guide, which assists me in understanding the more difficult passages of the Bible. It was well researched and written. I will give it five stars on Amazon. Why some people do not see the obvious is sometimes very painful to bear. But books such as yours allows me to better articulate to others what must come to pass – most likely in our lifetimes, since I am 39. I have come to terms with what the U.S. must go through in the next 20 years. It was very difficult for me to accept at first, but like those who have come to this level of humbleness it was only because I begged Jesus for forgiveness and wisdom, so I could help others.

It is wonderful that despite all the apostasy that surrounds us, your book can see the light of day. I plan to read and recommend all your books when they come out. You must already realize that this is a very difficult subject to discuss with others. I talk to anyone who has an ear, but most just cannot come to terms with the fact that the U.S. will come under terrible judgment. Who can admitthat everything he or she has learned is wrong? It was initially painful for me and I walk with Jesus Christ.

By the way, I first heard of you and your works on the Frankly Speaking Show several months ago. Please try to get on to more talk shows. You need to get the word out. Please keep the books coming. Your work is amazing."

Chris, (Maryland, USA)

"Dear Mr. Griffey
I just read your book "World War 3 in Prophecy". What a remarkable book! It is filled with much good food. I've been thinking along these same lines for a long time, but this book has such specifics. Previously, I've agreed with the outcome given in George Washington's Vision. In the vision, America is devastated by foreign soldiers, and at the point that defeat seems certain, there is a supernatural intervention by God."

Jesse (Texas, USA)

"Dan Bertran Griffey has uncovered scriptural evidence placing Americain the front and center of God's judgments upon the earth. This is a heart-stopping, mind blowing take on Bible prophecy, as China soon invades and then inherits America through a WW3 power shift involving many nations warring--and winning--against the current global elite. You owe it to yourself to get in on Griffey's prophetic leading here--his scriptural proof will astound, frighten, and hopefully become the final call to repentance for a rebellious generation." ~

Zeph E. Daniel, The Prophecy Weather Report, ZephNet.com

"Dear Mr. Griffey,
An odd thing happened to me in a local coffee shop a few days ago. While I was rereading your book, World War III in Prophecy, a young man who had been circling my table and looking at the cover of your book came over and inquired about it. I asked him if he studied scripture and raead the Bible. He said he did, so I gave him the book to keep. My only request was that he read it carefully. I was in the store today and bumped into him again. I asked him what he thought. He confided in me that he was shocked, but that the book made perfect sense to him. He thanked me for enlightening him. Obviously, this gave me the idea to purchase more copies of your book, World War III in Prophecy, so I could give them out to others and get the word out. I wish to purchase a case of 44 books to hand out to some that are in the dark, but who would be interested in the Truth.

Chris, (MD, USA)

I just received your book, World War 3 in Prophecy, and read it in 1 night! Powerful and right at America's doorstep.
It tasted sweet as I read those words that rang true, but when I finished it was bitter in my belly and tears & grief were upon me! Thanks so much, in Jesus, for being obedient and writing this Warning Book amen,

This is an incredible book of the " Prophetic Strategy " of World War 3 and it's Biblical connections. This book is scary as ' Hell ' if you think that America is safe & secure --- how secure is the end? ONLY, if you have an ' ear to hear '
should you attempt to read & understand this book! I thank God that Dan Griffey wrote this incredible book. Be prepared to have your ' status quo ' ROCKED...!

Larry, (Oklahoma, USA)